The Positive Cup: building an authentic umbrella communication platform

Nespresso Wordmark


Building an authentic umbrella communication ecosystem

When you’re an industry leader with a strong identity and a complex operating environment, it can be a challenge to explain exactly what your brand stands for.

For years, Nespresso has deployed concrete sustainability programmes and innovations across its entire value chain from coffee farming to its boutiques and at-home experience. Their complex ecosystem needed a clear, engaging, and authentic umbrella communication platform that showed the big picture – tangible actions and a clear strategy.


Competitor analysis, audience profiling, keyword analysis, multi-stakeholder consultancy


Strategic analysis, tone of voice and messaging (by audience type), communication strategy framework


Content storytelling, visual and verbal narratives, online platform front-end design, website and articles copywriting, CSV reports, key visuals, toolbox platform, comms resources, guidebooks, social media content, social media campaign, video and animation, internal comms, B2B & B2C playbooks for sustainability communication and events “how-to” guidance, infographics, awards design, brand presentations


Launch of “The Positive Cup hub” (online sustainability platform), up-to-date articles, social media content and its toolbox, engaging with markets and KOL experts around the world


Simplifying complexity

We started by creating a full map of Nespresso’s many sustainability programs, actions, and existing communication. We then defined the audience profiles, focusing on the sustainability experts, partners, and conscious consumers who contribute to the brand’s positive global impact.

Next, we interviewed KOLs and partners and led brand workshops with both leadership and extended teams, adding to a unified outcome for the new strategic sustainability communications.


The Positive Cup

Working with the sustainability team and numerous stakeholders, we established the roots of Nespresso’s sustainability communication strategy under the umbrella of The Positive Cup.

We defined four main communication pillars, and then used them to create platforms, resources, reporting methodologies, and activation plans. These drove positive impact while creating and strengthening the partnerships needed to amplify it.


A force
for good

We defined the sustainability tone of voice, messaging, storytelling and narrative for each of our audiences, and created a sustainability communications toolbox platform including playbooks, guidebooks, and templates to efficiently streamline the implementation through a range of touchpoints and markets.

We used this strategic outcome to define forward-thinking communication touchpoints and implementation tools. We brought the first ever Nespresso CSV report to life (per GRI reporting standards) and created The Positive Cup Hub. This digital platform showcases Nespresso’s sustainability strategy and initiatives, along with valued insights from external experts.

We continued to enrich the communication ecosystem with narratives, articles, media, and other supporting marcom materials.


Speaking authentically

We worked with the Nespresso sustainability teams to amplify key sustainable milestones and initiatives. Examples were celebrating pioneering partnerships and certifications, discussing crucial issues around climate, recycling, and coffee communities, and announcing Nespresso’s certification as a B Corp.

To do so, we leveraged The Positive Cup Hub articles, working with third-party industry experts to create social media content and a wide array of print, digital and video deliverables. We helped the integration process by continuously creating new articles and updating the internal guidance tools we created for the markets, agencies, partners, KOLs, as well as the brand’s internal sustainability communications.

↑ CSV reports & infographics

↑ Trees & lives
(covers’ & chapters’ design, art direction)

↑ B2B recycling brochures
(interactive & printed)


A force for good

With authentic stories told in a unique voice, transparent data, and a foundation of proven actions, The Positive Cup Hub is driving Nespresso’s credibility as a sustainability leader in the coffee industry. It is visited by an average of over 12,000 unique users every year, spending an average time of over 20 minutes per visit.

This data shows audience’s desire for content that complements consumer communications to transparently depict real-world responsible action, backed by verifiable data and compelling storytelling.

Combined with organic social campaigns and reporting, the brand has established itself as a game-changer in the industry, driving innovation and the importance of making coffee a force for global good.

yearly stakeholders visiting The Positive Cup Hub
+ 0
per visit on The Positive Cup Hub
> 0 min.
Jerome Perez Global Head of Sustainability

“In communicating sustainability, Magic Pencil truly helped to create a unique messaging and engagement ecosystem.

BrandStacks gives the ‘beginning, middle and end’ to the much lauded, but often poorly communicated strategy of ‘storytelling’.”

Jérôme Perez
Global Head of Sustainability, Nespresso

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