Sales event branding, experience and campaign

Logo DELL Technologies


From idealist tech marketing to delivering value

Tech brands continue to perpetuate a sense of ‘tech optimism,’ a trend that has dominated the industry’s marketing since the early 2000s. While this optimism has become somewhat of an expectation for tech companies, it increasingly feels out of touch with today’s consumers. When Dell Technologies approach us to craft a creative concept to promote a series of events in Switzerland, we wanted to bring relevance back to marketing.


Pragmatic engagement

We can’t lose sight of the current challenges and trends shaping our world right now and the growing ‘downshifting’ trend as people yearn to be more ‘present’ in their lives. Dell creates solutions that help you get things done today. Simple. We wanted to start that mission to make a genuine connection with consumers needs right now. The final verbal concept “Mission: Present” that transcends Swiss language barriers and aligns Dell as both aspirational and practical.

The first assets were the animated identity for “Mission: Present” and a series of videos to encourage channel partners to sign up to an upcoming webinar. Closely following the global brand guidelines, we created a video presenter guide and oversaw the end-to-end shooting and production in-house.

DELL Mission Present event indoor branding by Magic Pencil

Modular branding

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DELL Mission Present event outdoor branding by Magic Pencil
Linkedin icon

In-house video shooting for LinkedIn campaign

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Behind the scenes for social media video shooting
In-house shooting behind the scenes by Magic Pencil for DELL social media video campaign
In-house shooting behind the scenes by Magic Pencil for DELL social media video campaign

While the videos were integrated strictly as an organic campaign, it did register noteworthy results: 390,718 ad impressions, 2253 website clicks, 0.58% CT (above 0.3% benchmark for videos) and 62,203 video views within the first month of publishing.

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